How does dental health affect the immune system?

Categories: Dental Tips

Oral health is more important than most people realize! According to the Mayo Clinic, an unhealthy mouth may increase your risk of serious health problems, which can weaken your immune system. Do you know our mouths and are full of bacteria? If untreated, this bacteria can cause disease, inflammation, and/or pain. Regular checkups and professional…

What Causes Cavities

Categories: Children, Dental Tips

Did you know that anyone with teeth can develop cavities, even babies? Cavities are holes in teeth that are a product of tooth decay. They start out small and are hard to detect without regular dental checkups. Many people believe if there is no pain and they can’t see them, cavities are not really there.…

Is My Baby Teething?

Baby teething

  Teething can quite painful for both baby and mama. Even though your baby may seem more irritable and upset during this process, there are things you can do to help ease the pain. Read on to recognize the signs your baby has started teething and what you can do to do to help. Typically,…